If you’re looking to download a great witness statement template for free, then you’ve come to the right place. There are plenty of free witness statement templates you can download on the internet, but most of them are rubbish! They’re in Times New Roman (yuck!), they’re poorly laid out, the autonumbering doesn’t work properly and so on. Even today, many forms for witness statements have lines drawn on the page as if they expect you’re going to handwrite the contents!
The Affidavit Guru witness statement form that you can download below doesn’t suffer any of these defects. Here’s just some of the kick-arse features you get with our document, all of which are absolutely free:
- a great, modern, easy-to-read font that’s appropriate for the formality of a witness statement;
- a properly laid-out document with neat margins and page-numbering;
- bespoke auto-numbering for paragraphs that actually works and looks good; and
- full instructions for completing the witness statement document (these are available here and you should read them before starting to write your witness statement).
AD: Need to transfer money or property owed by you to another person? Click here to use this form to easily transfer your property.
So, what are you waiting for? Download our mega-awesome free template witness statement in Word form right here and now:
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